Sunday, February 8, 2009

Message From Wynne - Message From Russ

Sunday, Feb. 8, 2009

Thought we'd' better update the blog in case anyone is still checking it and because we haven't been able to keep up with phone calls or emails for some time now. We sold our house in College Station and are currently all under the same roof in Russ' apartment in Ft. Worth, which is a relief to us all. What an adventure!! We're scheduled to close on a house in Aledo next week and Syd is already adjusting to her new school. I got set up in physical and occupational therapy here and am still moving forward, but have a long road ahead. I had to resign my job which was a mix of sad and scary, but necessary. I certainly wish all my friends at Twin City Mission the very best as they continue with their good work. If you want to see what they're up to, you can go to

In the short term, the best way to reach me is by email ( If you send me an email, I’ll send you my new cell # (probably best not to post it on the internet and sorry, I'm still very slow to respond). Russ still has the same cell but they'll probably both change before long to something in the Fort Worth area code. Our mailing address for the next few weeks is
3252 Liberator, Apt. C, Fort Worth, TX 76127. (this is on base at Carswell Naval Air Station)

Hope 2009 is shaping up to be a good year for you and yours.

Love and peace,

My apologies for not keeping up with the blog over the past few months. The pace of things has been frantic between selling our house, traveling back & forth to Fort Worth, working, moving and my own set of health problems. We're hoping things will settle down after we get into a more permanent living situation and we'll try to do better at keeping up. Thanks for your support and my apologies again -
