Thursday, October 30, 2008


Wynne is now home!


Anonymous said...

Now, your real healing will begin- and you get to sleep in your own bed again!

Be sure and wear the red hat to rehabilitation to get your stride down...


Steven said...

Congratulations Wynne! The road to recovery may look long and winding but it "ain't nothing for a stepper" like you. You are blessed in so many ways and I know it is going to feel good sleeping in your own home.


Anonymous said...

I knew she wouldn't miss trick or treating!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!

Faith said...

HOORAY! This is such great news. Welcome home, Wynne! (=

Anonymous said...

I couldn't be happier for you Wynne; congratulations! You can knock a good woman down, but you sure as heck can't keep her down!!
Kim T.

Michelle Barnett said...

I am so happy to hear you are home with your family!!!! Don't eat too much candy!!!! Hugs Michelle