Thursday, November 13, 2008

Message From Wynne 11/13/2008

Just a quick post - Has been a busy few days - Mom & I (more
Mom than me) washed windows Sunday so we could see outside again. I'm getting around the house pretty good - just seem to run out of energy pretty quick and am realizing I need more sleep than I've been getting. Mom & Ed have been helping out a lot with Syd, meal prep, driving, and everything else. Don't know what we'd do without them! Russ goes back to work next week so he doesn't use up all his sick leave but they'll still be here to help. Took Syd to Dr. - finally got her some flu-mist - I'd been worried about that the whole time I was in the hospital so glad to get that done. We were also following up with the Gastroenterologist about the stomach problems she's had this past year or so. She'll have a scope done in Temple on Dec. 3 to check for problems but the doc thinks it is most likely Irritable Bowel Syndrome that he can pretty easily treat with medication. She didn't seem too worried about the procedure - the dr. has great rapport with her so I think she'll also be glad to know what the problem is. She has one more Volleyball game left but they're having a great season.

Some folks have been asking when a good time to visit would be - Syd has a volleyball practice Sat at 10 but Sat or Sun afternoon would probably be good. You might give Russ a call on his cell at 450-1689 to coordinate. I have therapy today and tomorrow and see my primary care dr today. Tomorrow is Twin City Mission's Coat and Blanket giveaway so I'll be thinking about them and wishing warmth to all who need it.

Dr. put me on a low-dose anti-depressant this week to help w/ the moodiness - it reminds me that there are many people suffering from depression on an on-going basis and they too - cannot just snap out of it - they also need medication to help the brain chemistry balance. Exercise, sleep and a good diet can help but the medication is a critical piece too. Anyway, I'm glad to have it and hope it helps.

They didn't recommend me for Physical Therapy since my leg strength and balance are good, but I’m continuing with Occupational and Speech Therapy. I'm having great progress with my left hand - I was able to grip and toss a small ball yesterday. Still need to work on my fingers and thumb, but I can see it progressing which is great.

Thanks again for you many expressions of love and support - they've really helped keep me going. Well, gotta go get ready for therapy which is rather slow business.

Love and peace,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Wynne,
We have been following your recovery since the first days and are so happy to see you are at home at doing so well. I work at Carswell with Russ and we all have been worried about you and your family. I imagine it will be hard to see Russ go back to work next week and so far away. I will continue to keep you in my prayers as you recover. From Julia Dunaway and the social workers at Carswell.