Friday, November 7, 2008

Message From Wynne

Wynne asked me to post the following - R:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It has been a very full week – doctor’s appointments and outpatient therapy. No good answers from the Hematologist about causes of stroke from my blood– she’ll see me again after stroke effects settle down some, but no clear genetic factors or clotting issues currently. She was extraordinarily thorough and kind. She even sent me to the Cardiologist for the left-sided pain I’ve been experiencing to make sure it wasn’t my heart– no obvious heart issues but he did schedule me for a PET scan later to make sure. I also met w/ the Outpatient clinic Dr. – he was very knowledgeable and optimistic about stroke recovery and increased my Lyrica med to address the significant nerve pain I’ve been having on my left side. Apparently this is fairly common after a stroke as the brain tries to reestablish new connections. He also gave me a timely warning about the emotional variations that often accompany this type of stroke as some of the damage in my brain occurred in the area that also manages emotions. I have found my emotions to be all over the place this week – when I can’t do things I've always done like tie my shoes by myself – or when I look in the mirror and I don’t look quite the same anymore – So, I quit looking in the mirror and I bought myself a snazzy pair of shoes with Velcro. Everyone tells me to just be patient so I suppose I might give that a try - smile - but may need an antidepressant to help balance the chemicals in the brain if I keep feeling this way. I guess it will take some time to understand the degree and scope of the damage but they tell me other parts of the brain often take over lost functions.

I went to two of Syd's volleyball games this week, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I felt the first really significant movement I've seen yet in my left hand and fingers during one of her games so that was exciting. I find myself much more tired than usual so have been resting and reading a lot. Several people have recommended the book, " A Stroke of Insight" - a fascinating book about how the brain works and the author's own experience of having a stroke from her perspective as a neuro-anatomist. I also got referred to the person in town who can help with re-training and testing me for driving. I'll post a comment if I get cleared so you know the coast is clear - I sure as heck wouldn't want to ride with me right now...

And, of course, like most, I've been watching the elections - I'm personally thrilled with the outcome and hope our country is ready to move forward in a cooperative and productive way - there's a boatload of work to do, that's for sure so I hope we can get on with it! I haven't been able to reply to emails much yet - still getting this one-handed typing thing down - a new friend who also had a stroke said it's like having a speech impediment - that pretty much says it all. And my verbal speech is still not quite back to normal so I'm a bit self-conscious about that so I haven't been making or returning many calls yet - it's gotten some better since the stroke so maybe with a bit more time and therapy it will continue to get better. Thanks again to all of you for your love, many kindnesses, prayers and wishes for healing. Mom and Ed are coming back tomorrow night to help out next week so we're in pretty good shape for the shape we're in.


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